Short FAQ about donations
Donating helps maintain and improve server performance, enhances your gaming experience, supports community growth, and keeps the servers alive for current and future players. Your contribution impacts the quality and sustainability of the servers.
In our current operational strategy, the primary allocation of financial resources is being directed exclusively towards maintaining the server hosting expenses. This decision is rooted in our commitment to ensure the continuous and uninterrupted operation of our servers. Our goal is to sustain these servers for the longest feasible duration, prioritizing their operational stability and reliability.
We believe in a fair game, where everyone is equal, and thus will not be giving out any perks to donators.
The minimum set on gtxgaming's website is unfortunately £5 ($6.36)
We ensure that the donation process is secure and user-friendly - as the donation process is going straight through PayPal.
Click the "Donate" button, and you should be straight on your way to donating.
If you have any further inquiries, feel free to contact our staff team through our Discord Server. We're here to help and provide any additional information you might need.
We hope these FAQs address your concerns and help you make an informed decision about donating to M.S.G.
Your support is vital in keeping our gaming community thriving!